Welcome to Stalheim
The beautiful view over the Nærøy Valley, from Stalheim Hotel, has for nearly 200 years been one of the highlights in many a traveller's visit to Western Norway. Many artists, painters and poets, both famous and not so famous, have through the years found inspiration to great works of art in this dramatic but at the same time harmonic landscape, and it is our hope that also you will find inspiration to your own next work of art here at Stalheim.
The hospitality traditions at Stalheim are rich and longstanding; it had its beginning in 1647 when the Danish/Norwegian king decided to open up a mail route between Bergen and Oslo and the Stalheim farm became on of the many mail farms along route. These mail farms quite soon became places where travellers following the mail route would stop for a rest and something to eat. By 1750 there were so many travellers stopping at Stalheim asking for a bed and a meal that the farmer at Stalheim decided to build a separate inn to accommodate and dine the travellers – this inn is now one of attractions of the Stalheim Folk Museum.

The first hotel with about 20 beds at was opened on May 15th 1885, but obviously this was a hotel at the right place; after only 10 years in business the Stalheim Hotel could boast of 160 beds, nice restaurants and a reputation as one of the finest country hotels in the Norway.
A lot of things have changed since the first days, but the Tønneberg family, today’s hosts at Stalheim, feel the same obligation to their guests as the old innkeeper felt; greet the traveller in a warm and hospitable atmosphere, and provide good food and at the end of the day a comfortable bed. Today’s Stalheim Hotel with Ms. Ingrid Tønneberg as the owner and Thomas Stene as the manager has for obvious reasons chosen “ nature and culture “ as a profile for the hotel.
With the grand nature that surrounds Stalheim close contact with of nature is an unavoidable part of a stay at Stalheim. Whether your prefer to relax on the hotel’s terrace garden and let the nature come to you, or you choose to take advantage of the many hiking trails starting from Stalheim it is our aim to give you a good and lasting experience of nature.
It is also our aim to give our guests a taste of the many cultural treasures found at Stalheim. The impressive historical and cultural collections of the previous owner and manager of Stalheim Hotel, Mr. Kaare Tønneberg, is a great source for those who wish to take in and learn more about our area’s culture and history. A study of the nature at Stalheim as a source of inspiration for many famous paintings, especially paintings from the national romantic period, leads right in to the development of art in Europe. In addition many if the most famous works of the great Norwegian poet Per Sivle who had his childhood and teens here at Stalheim, are a continous source of entertainment and understanding among our guests. (The hotel has some of his works available in English. )
We wish you hearty welcome to Stalheim and invites you to help yourself to the natural and cultural experiences of Stalheim – put together your own basket of experiences.